Ex3.1 let*をlambda式に書き換える。Ex3.2 cons関数を特別なケースと見なせる関数は?

;;; Exercise 3.1 [m] Show a lambda expression that is equivalent to
;;; the above let* expression. You may need more than one lambda.
(let* ((x 10)
       (y (+ x 20)))
  (list x y))

(funcall #'(lambda (x)
	     (funcall #'(lambda (y)
			  (list x y)) (+ x 20))) 10)
;;; Exercise 3.2 [s] The function cons can be seen as a special case
;;; of one of the other functions listed previously: Which one?
(cons 'x 'y)
;; => (x . y)
(list* 'x 'y)
;; => (x . y)