Ex2.4 combine-allをcross-productで再定義



;;; Exercise 2.4 [m] One way of describing combine-all is that it calculates the cross-
;;; product of the function append on the argument-lists. Write the higher-order function
;;; cross-product, and define combine-all in terms of it.
;;; The moral is to make you code as general as possible, because you never know what
;;; you may want to do with it next.
(defun cross-product (fn &rest lists)
  (labels ((iter (lists args)
	     (if (null lists) (apply fn (reverse args))
		 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
			      (iter (cdr lists) (cons x args)))
			  (first lists)))))
    (do ((result (iter lists '()) (apply #'append result))
	 (n 1 (1+ n)))
	((= n (length lists)) result))))

(cross-product #'list '(a b c)
	              '(1 2 3)
		      '(z x y))
;; => ((A 1 Z) (A 1 X) (A 1 Y) (A 2 Z) (A 2 X) (A 2 Y) (A 3 Z) (A 3 X) (A 3 Y)
;;    (B 1 Z) (B 1 X) (B 1 Y) (B 2 Z) (B 2 X) (B 2 Y) (B 3 Z) (B 3 X) (B 3 Y)
;;    (C 1 Z) (C 1 X) (C 1 Y) (C 2 Z) (C 2 X) (C 2 Y) (C 3 Z) (C 3 X) (C 3 Y))

(defun combine-all (xlist ylist)
  (cross-product #'append xlist ylist))

(combine-all '((a) (b)) '((1) (2)))
;; => ((A 1) (A 2) (B 1) (B 2))