EX1.3 リスト中のatomの数を数える


;;; Exercise 1.3 [m] Write a function that counts the number of atoms in an expression.
;;; For example: (count-atoms '(a (b) c)) =>3. Notice that there is something of an
;;; ambiguity in this: shoud (a nil c) count as three atoms or as two, because it is 
;;; equivalent to (a () c)? 
(defun count-atoms (exp)
  (do ((e exp (rest e))
       (atoms 0))
      ((null e) atoms)
      ((atom (car e)) (incf atoms))
      (t (incf atoms (count-atoms (car e)))))))

(count-atoms '(a () c))
;; => 3 (#x3, #o3, #b11)
(count-atoms '(a (b) c))
;; => 3 (#x3, #o3, #b11)